Concrete is a versatile construction material that can be modified for many applications. Concrete can look smooth and glossy or coarse and rustic, depending on the desired finish.
Some finishes are decorative, while others are enduring and promote safety. Here are some of the most popular types of concrete finishes: Click to learn more.

Concrete finishing requires a deft touch and the right tools to achieve the desired result. One of the first steps in this process is floating, which pushes aggregate down and encourages moisture to rise, aiding concrete drying. A power float can make this step quick and efficient.
Floating is done before the surface water, a natural part of the curing process, known as bleed water, rises to the top of the concrete and accumulates there. If this happens, the concrete can weaken. During this phase, a hand or power float eliminates slight imperfections, compacts the surface mortar, and prepares it for additional finishing procedures.
The most common type of float used is a bull float, which looks like a flat board attached to a long handle. Pulling the float over the concrete embeds large aggregate and smoothes the surface, removing high and low spots. It is important to keep the blade as flat as possible when floating to prevent premature sealing of the concrete surface.
A magnesium bull float has a more subtle action than a wooden or steel float and may be preferable for delicate work. Its blade is up to 36″ wide, quickly covering a large area with a fine finish. It is also very easy to use, as it moves much more easily than a wooden or metal float, making it faster to finish a larger area.
When choosing a bull float, look for one with adjustable blades set to different heights to control the pressure applied to the concrete. The handle should be comfortable, with a good balance and adequate knuckle clearance. The float should withstand heavy use and be durable enough to last, as it will likely see many hours of hard work.
Another type of float is a resin float, a more resilient option than a wood float and may be preferable for projects requiring a longer life span. It acts almost identically to a wood float but is designed to resist wear and tear, which can occur from exposure to moisture.
Concrete is a versatile construction material that can be shaped to fit any application. It can also be finished in several ways to give it an attractive and functional surface that is durable against wear and tear. Finishing concrete is a crucial step that helps to prevent damage, manage maintenance costs, and maintain durability for years to come. This process involves smoothing out ridges, filling voids, and compacting the concrete for a clean and even surface.
Troweling is a simple concrete finishing technique done by hand or mechanically using power trowels. The process involves builders using steel blades to smooth and fine-level the surface of fresh concrete. It is typically used on interior slab and floor applications to achieve a dense, hard, and smooth result with good wear resistance. The correct concrete finishing tools are critical to getting the best results from this process. The right tool must be used at the right time, and if it is not used properly, it can lead to flaws on the surface of the concrete.
When performing a hand trowel finish, it is important to use a wide broken-in trowel for maximum efficiency and safety. It is recommended to start at one end of the concrete and work your way across in a sweeping arc motion. Using the concrete finishing tool in multiple passes is also recommended to avoid gouging or scratching the surface. It is also important to check for any cracks or imperfections before proceeding.
A power trowel with a magnesium or laminated wood bull float can obtain a hard and durable concrete finish for larger surfaces. This type of finish is popular for outdoor flooring as it shows off the natural aggregates in the concrete and is resistant to weather conditions, freezing temperatures, and deicing materials. This type of finish may be slippery, but it can be prevented by applying a nonslip additive to the concrete.
A hard and durable concrete finish is ideal for exterior concrete, but it cannot be easy to achieve on large jobs. The right concrete finishing tool is essential for ensuring the concrete is durable and resistant to abrasion, freezing temperatures, and deicing agents. It is also important to know the right timing for when to perform a concrete finish, as over-troweling can lead to surface defects and weaken the concrete.
Besides trowels, concrete finishers use another type of tool called an edger. It creates a neat, rounded edge along the slab perimeter that helps it resist chipping and spalling damage after removing the forms. Concrete contractors can choose hand, walking, or combination edgers for different projects. Depending on the project, they can also select edgers with various radius sizes, including special tools for constructing concrete steps.
An edger resembles a small trowel with one side rounded down, and it shapes the top outer corner of the concrete slab while the wet concrete is still setting. You can perform edging by hand, kneeling next to the slab while you work, or with a walking edger that attaches to a handle and allows you to walk alongside it while you edge.
You can also use an edger to create grooves in the concrete, which can help reduce random cracking when the concrete is gaining strength but not fully set. When performed correctly, grooving creates clean joints that release stress from the concrete before it hardens.
When using an edger, focus on running the tool flat on the surface of the concrete. The clean edge it creates is a byproduct of this action and not the primary focus. If you concentrate too much on the radius edge, you’ll twist the tool and cause it to create a rolled edge, which lowers the concrete below the adjacent concrete or formwork.
Many manufacturers offer steel or bronze edgers, with some offering specialty metals like tungsten carbide for longer tool life and improved durability. You can also find edgers with handles, which may have a wood or rubber grip. Some manufacturers even make comfortable grip handle models with softer grips for reduced hand fatigue. Before you buy an edger, check the size of the handle and ensure it fits comfortably in your hand. A handle that’s too large can lead to cramping and discomfort as you work. You can find edgers and other concrete finishing tools at most home centers or hardware stores.
Concrete polished with the mechanical method provides a high-gloss finish that reflects light and looks like glass. It is a more durable, luxe finish that isn’t as slippery as a topical chemical sealer and is one of the most common finishes seen in commercial buildings.
It is an extensive process that is much more time-consuming than a grind + seal. This is because it requires various grinding and polishing abrasives on a floor grinder to get the job done, starting with metal-bonded diamonds on a planetary-type machine to prep the surface.
A slurry is created as the grinding and honing work is done, which must be thoroughly disposed of correctly to avoid environmental hazards. This is a key reason why this type of finish is more expensive than a ‘grind + seal.’
Once the initial slurry has been removed, crews change over to resin-bonded diamond pads and continue refining the surface until it reaches your desired level of gloss. This usually involves 15 to 17 different grits before your final finish.
This step is necessary to ensure that your finished result is durable and long-lasting. A hardener is then added to the slurry to penetrate and densify the concrete as it is ground, ensuring that it isn’t porous and prone to moisture or seepage after the finish has been applied.
Once your floor has been mechanically polished, it can be sealed in various colors. We offer a selection of 24 standard colors (including greys, greens, and blacks) that can give your floor a unique look, or we can do a custom color at your request.
Whether you choose a matt, satin, or full gloss finish for your concrete floors, they will be extremely durable and easy to maintain. We recommend having a protective coating like LSGuard, PolishGuard, or Concrete Protector SB applied after the finish has been installed to protect the concrete and make it easier for cleaning and maintenance.